Band FM is a Brazilian radio network aimed at the popular segment, belonging to Grupo Bandeirantes de Comunicação. The station began its trajectory with the inauguration of 96.1 FM in São Paulo – then called "Bandeirantes FM" – which initially retransmitted the programming of Rádio Bandeirantes, its sister station on the AM dial. With the passage of time and the popularization of FM radio, the station gained its own attractions and, in the late 1980s, became known by its current name.The stations programming is predominantly focused on the transmission of music, having as its main audience the so-called "class C". Network affiliates can produce programs locally, with some national attractions, such as Band Coruja, Band Bom Dia and A Hora do Ronco. In some cases, they can also retransmit programs from other Grupo Bandeirantes networks, such as news from BandNews FM and Rádio Bandeirantes.In February 2020, Band FM celebrated 5 years in a row in the overall audience leadership in São Paulo.### WARNING ###This is an unofficial application of the Band FM Radio Network. It is not endorsed by or affiliated with Grupo Bandeirantes de Comunicação. All trademarks used in the app are made under "fair use" for the sole purpose of identifying the respective entities, and remain the property of their respective owners.